After a visit to Robin Island Jail in 2015, I was so emotionally touched by the whole experience that I felt I had to create a work to record it. I had to work from photos we were allowed to take. The overall colour was significant in all the photos – mostly greys – only the table in his room was a strange green. The text are quotes from Mandela’s Biography – A long walk to freedom.
Oil on canvas
20 x 20 cm
View from the Vulture Cave
Mens Raak Aan Alles Gewoond
Hommage to Mandela
A visit to Nelson Mandela’s jail cell left me emotionally touched.
After a visit to Robin Island Jail in 2015, I was so emotionally touched by the whole experience that I felt I had to create a work to record it. I had to work from photos we were allowed to take. The overall colour was significant in all the photos – mostly greys – only the table in his room was a strange green. The text are quotes from Mandela’s Biography – A long walk to freedom.
Oil on canvas
20 x 20 cm
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